Where to enjoy naturism * in Portugal

Extensive list of beaches, camping sites, accommodations, clubs, informal groups of people in Portugal.
Feel free to use and share the info at this site.
Updates to this information’s are appreciated, to the email below on the footer.

* naturism – the practice of going nude, especially in places that allow sexually mixed groups, in the belief that such practice benefits health. Appreciation of the beauty and benefits of nature.

web page
emaillocationadditional info
Portugal wideINF-FNI national federationFederação Portuguesa Naturismofpn@fpn.ptEvent organizer
CentroClubClube Naturista Centrocncentro@gmail.comEvent organizer
Lisbon metropolitan areaBeachPraia da Adiça38,5591542, -9,1902430Official naturist beach
Lisbon metropolitan areaClubAssociação Pensamentos ao Ventogeral@pensamentos-ao-vento.ptEvent organizer
Lisbon metropolitan area and moreClubAlma Naturistaaalmanaturista@gmail.comEvent organizer
Quinta do Maralinfo@quintadomaral.com39,4136202, -7,3756382Naturist campsite and holiday space
Monte Naturista O Barãoinfo@montenaturista.comNaturist campsite and holiday space
AlentejoCampingTerra Nuaterranua@terranua.ptNaturist campsite and holiday space
AlgarveClubClube Naturista Algarvegeral@clubenaturistaalgarve.ptEvent organizer
VirtualInformal groupJovens pelo naturismo
VirtualMapOpenstreetmap locations tagged “nudism”mapeach location is classified: yes / no / etc.

Openstreet map, “nudism” tagged locations – “yes”, “no”, “permissive” or “designated” (officially designated as nudist, but nudity is not obligatory)